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(Eastern Standard Time)
Week 5: James is HoH
Mar 18: Chelsia infiltrates other side. They think Ryan is going Home
(9 videos)
Mar 17: Chelsia and James create Plan to make Sheila/Adam vote out Ryan who will stay
(2 videos)
Mar 16: James saves Sheila and backdoors Matt, Matt Cries, Natalie swears revenge
(7 videos)
Mar 15: James plans to Backdoor Matt, Slow Day
(6 videos)
Mar 14: James Wins Veto, Sheila driving everyone crazy
(7 videos)
Mar 13: Sheila has an epiphany, everyone laughs at her. Sheila and Ryan nominated
(12 videos)
Mar 12: James evicted, returns, then wins HoH
(12 videos)
Week 4: Ryan is HoH
Mar 11: Sharon doesn't trust Josh, Adam flips out, Natalie wants Sharon out
(12 videos)
Mar 10: Sharon doesn't keep her Sh*t Shut, James Campaigning, Houseguests Paranoid
(12 videos)
Mar 9: James is backdoored, Josh/James pickle attack Natalie, Sharon distances herself from Josh/Chelsia
(31 videos)
Mar 8: Having technical difficulties... Ryan still going to Backdoor James
(1 video)
Mar 7: Chelsia wins PoV. Josh trying to convince Ryan to Backdoor Matt. Ryan decides to backdoor James
(9 videos)
Mar 6: Sharon and Chelsia nominated. Boys Club 4 life!
(10 videos)
Mar 5: Houseguests split, Allison evicted, Ryan HoH. Vote one HG Back!
(14 videos)
Week 3: Josh and Sharon are HoH
Mar 4: House will evict Allison/Ryan, Paranoia about Twist grows, Allison over-campaigns
(13 videos)
Mar 3: Sheila/Matt/Natalie's dislike of James/Chelsia festers
(14 videos)
Mar 2: Veto is used, Sheila/Adam go up. Matt/Natalie and James/Chelsia really hate each other
(19 videos)
Mar 1: Houseguests get a clue to upcoming twist
(11 videos)
Feb 29: Matt/Natalie win veto. House happy Allisons fate is sealed. Sharon and Matt kiss
(11 videos)
Feb 28: Allison is Josh's best friend. Allison/Ryan and Matt/Natalie nominated
(18 videos)
Feb 27: Allison attacks Josh, Josh wins HoH, Allison tries to get him kicked out
(13 videos)
Week 2: James and Chelsia are HoH
Feb 26: Last day to Campaign, Alex finally starts campaigning but it is too late.
(13 videos)
Feb 25: Matt/Natalie campaigning and switch the vote! Josh/Sharon/Chelsia/James hate Allison
(12 videos)
Feb 24: PoV not used, Sheila caught in a lie, slow day
(9 videos)
Feb 23: Margerita Party! Matt/Natalie self Distruct! House now leaning towards evicting them
(21 videos)
Feb 22: Yeast Infections, allergies, lap dances, fainting, seizures, and Josh/Sharon win PoV. Oh My!
(17 videos)
Feb 21: Matt/Natalie and Alex/Amanda Nominated and Fallout
(15 videos)
Feb 20: Jen/Paker Evicted James/Chelsia HoH
(16 videos)
Week 1: Alex and Amanda are HoH
Feb 19: House leaning towards evicting Parker/Jen
(13 videos)
Feb 18: Parker Campaigning, trash talking Amanda, and Ryans a racist
(23 videos)
Feb 17: Veto ceremony, Everyone yells at Amanda
(16 videos)
Feb 16: Slow Saturday
(17 videos)
Feb 15: Veto Competition over Matt/Natalie win
(11 videos)
Feb 14: Valentines Day, Love is in the Air
(15 videos)
Feb 13: Neil Quits, Josh picks Sharon to come Back
(6 videos)
Feb 12: Big Brother CBS Premiere and Feeds launch
Feb 11: ??????
Feb 10: ??????
Feb 9: Power Couple Jen/Parker evict Sharon and Jacob. Alex/Amanda win HoH
Feb 8: Jacob calls Parker a snake
Feb 7: 16 Houseguests seeking fame/fortune enter the Big Brother House